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4pm Digital Marketing Package

4pm A La Carte


Evaluation of current SEO strategy – we will provide a comprehensive report of findings and recommendations

€100 plus vat


Digital Marketing training course x3 hours based on the outcome of the above evaluation                        €300 plus vat

Brochure website design and development based on the  clients business

From €500* plus vat 

Social Media set up – Twitter , Facebook, Pinterest,  Linked in and 1 hours training on how to utilise these platforms

€150 plus vat

Social Media setup/cleanup  and management (1 hour per week on postings)

€50 plus vat per hour

Create and integrate a branded blog included is 2 hours content creation training

€400 plus vat



Follow up Digital Marketing  training course

€50 plus vat an hour 

Evaluation of marketing efforts ( x1 a month)

€50 plus vat a month

Integration of all social media to your website

€50 plus vat 

Integration of online newsletters and setup/training of email marketing campaigns

€200 plus vat

Call 014978671 for more details             


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