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7 Expert Social Media marketing tips

This April, marketing experts from all over the world all headed to San Diego, California to as this year`s mega conference “Social Media Marketing World (#SMMW13). 4pm presents you with the social media marketing tips taken from this conference.

Tip 1: Don’t forget your Calls to Action One of the most widely discussed topics at #SMMW13 were Calls to Action. Unsure about what a call to action actually is? Then simply take a quick look at this example: Social Media Marketing

Basically they help you to engage your customers and gently take them to the next step in your sales funnel.

Tip 2: Give content royal treatment Social Media Marketing

Make sure you have fresh, frequent and quality content. However, keep Mari Smith`s quote in mind, “Content is King but engagement is Queen, and she rules the house.” Content should be useful so that it distinguishes you from your competition.


Tip 3: Post content on a regular basis A blog which has not been updated in months won`t do you any favours, so remember to regularly produce valuable content that your target audience WANT to read about. You need to have a good strategy in place so that you have people coming back to you.

Tip 4: Offer subscriptions to your content

Having people subscribe to what you are offering is an effective way to make sure that your content actually reaches your targeted audience.

Tip 5: Know what your readers are interested in             Social Media Marketing

Be aware that hot topics change at an incredible speed, so what is interesting one week, might not be the next. There are helpful tools out there which make it easier for you to keep on track with what is top and what is flop, such as Google Keyword Tool and Long Tail Pro. They tell you the most common phrases and their keyword rank in monthly searches.

Tip 6: Review your Analytics

You can learn a lot from your data, so set aside a few minutes each week to go over them. Take Brian Carter`s advice for example, “Amazing content yields great leads. Don’t get attached just to shares,find out which posts are getting leads.”

Tip 7: Use perfect content promotion

Your content marketing strategy will be successful if you effectively promote your content. Have you thought of creating an ebook? These days It has never been easier.

Did our daily blog catch your attention? Well don’t forget to check back for our next installment of ‘Social Media marketing Tips’. .

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