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Facebook for auctioneers

Facebook for auctioneersProperty Crm

Facebook can be a great way to get free branding. It gives you a chance to promote yourself and engage customers. Potential prospects may have searched the portals and Google during the day but it is quite likely they will be using Facebook for personal use throughout the day also, why not catch them there too! Here are some 4pm tips for auctioneers using Facebook:

1. Picture

Facebook recommend that your picture is 200 px wide and a varied height. Facebook often crops the photo for you cutting out information or details making it look unprofessional. Make sure the important details are centre and safe from any cropping.

2. Information

Make sure to provide contact details,main employees to contact, opening hours, location, and description of business (not an essay all about you, a 3 line paragraph that is reader friendly)

3. Customer Service

A prospect may write a query on your wall, remember everyone can see. Answer their question and provide a number or email to contact to talk more in detail.

4. Posting

Use your Facebook as an extension of the portals to showcase your products, after all it is free. Address local events, if something is positive it may be hard for your readers to ignore. Comment on property market news. Your brand speaks through your posts for be careful!

5. Blog

If you have a blog, install the Facebook plugin, this will allow your blog to post to Facebook automatically.

6. Emailing

Include your Facebook URL in your business signature in emails.

7. URL

Get a vanity URL which will allow people to find you easily.

8. Price

Don’t comment on the price a property may have sold for, the vendor or applicant may think they might have got more or less money, they don’t want everyone knowing their business.

The above are some basic guidelines and rules for auctioneers and estate agents to get their brands social media campaign up and running. 4pm’s advice is to write a post and leave it for five minutes before posting, some things sound great when you’re writing them but after a second look there’s often a word change. If something sounds controversial is probably is, so don’t write it on your business page, keep it for your personal account. Read our Blog for more top tips.



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