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How to use the Block Editor

A set of training tutorials, examples and how-to's for managing your WordPress website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why should I use the block editor?

A. The Block Editor can help you produce nice layouts for your content with many in-built block choices and new block patterns. With the new Block Repository, you can also add new blocks into your Block Editor.

Q. I still use the Classic Editor, will this new update affect it?

A. No, the classic editor plugin will be maintained until 2022. In the Writing Settings of your site, you can decide if you allow choosing which editor to use for each page or post. Alternatively, you can use the new Block Editor and use the Classic Block

Q. Do I still need a third-party page builder?

A. Whether you decide to use a page builder or not is entirely up to you as the end-user. We recommend using the Block Editor, though, as Supernova has full support for blocks and block patterns. The potential compatibility of the page builder with these new Block Editor updates is entirely dependent on the third party that develops your page builder.

Q. What’s the block pattern for?

A. The Block Patterns are ready-to-use blocks that you can add to your page. It can be a button, header, or any commonly used block. More patterns will be added with time. To understand the difference between blocks, patterns, and layouts, see below:

Layouts > Patterns > Blocks

Q. Can I use my page builder and the new block editor together?

A. No, the block editor is not compatible with any page builder, and it’s highly discouraged.


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