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WP Property Drive Shortcodes

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WP Property Drive

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Property sharing buttons


Use the [share] shortcode in the property sidebar to show the default sharing buttons.

Latest properties (sidebar/narrow view)


Use the [latest-properties] shortcode to show the latest 3 active (For Sale or To Let) properties in the property sidebar. By default, the layout used is 2 columns (33% for the image and 66% for the address, price, and type).

Quick Contact form (for the single property template)


This contact form uses Google reCAPTCHA and API keys need to be set up in WP Property DriveIntegrations and Modules tab. The Enable Google reCAPTCHA option also needs to be toggled on.

Quick Contact form (for the single property template)


This contact form uses Akismet and an API key needs to be set up in WP Property DriveIntegrations and Modules tab. The Enable Akismet option also needs to be toggled on.



Use the [areas] shortcode to show a UL/LI list of areas and the number of properties.


limitThe minimum number of properties the area has in order to be displayed. Default is 1.


  • Dublin (3)

Property Sidebar: Property agent

[property-agent] or [property-get-agent]

Use the [property-agent] shortcode to show the current property agent box with avatar and contact details.

Property Sidebar: Property map(s)

Use the shortcode variations below shortcode to show the current property map.


This shortcode displays an OpenStreetMap map with a Google Map (terrain + satellite modal) link, using LeafletJS. This shortcode is deprecated.


This shortcode displays an OpenStreetMap map with an optional Google Map (terrain + satellite modal) link, using LeafletJS. This shortcode is recommended.


include-modalWhether to include the modal or not. Default is yes.


This shortcode displays an OpenStreetMap map using an embedded iframe. Good for performance, but might conflict with caching plugins.

Property Sidebar: Property tab strip

[[property-get-tabstrip]] or [[property-tabstrip]]

This shortcode shows a tabbed section with a quick contact form (using Google reCAPTCHA) tab, a sharing tab and a print tab. This shortcode is deprecated.

Search (real-time)


This shortcode is documented in the WP Property DriveSearch tab.


This shortcode shows a search form using the selected fields and their order in the WP Property DriveSearch tab → Search Form Builder. This form is friendlier to search engines than the real-time one. Requires a [search-form-results] shortcode and dedicated page.

Search results


This shortcode shows a search form using GET parameters and a list of search results from the [property-search] shortcode.

Search (real-time)


This shortcode is documented in the WP Property DriveShortcode Builder tab.


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