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Property Services Regulatory Authority Forms are now available to download

property records

With the Property Services Regulatory Authority’s statutory framework in full effect we have taken a look at the letters of engagement which are now to be completed and stored by the Auctioneer.
These forms include:
i Auction of Property other than Land Sole Agency
This document relates to the engagement of a licensed Agent auctioning a property on behalf of the Client. This must be signed at the very first stage of the relationship.
ii Auction of Livestock by Mart
This document is the contractual agreement between an Agent and the Client to sell by Auction livestock. Again this is to be signed at engagement and stipulates the primary controls regarding records and indemnity at the early stages.
iii Auction of Land Sole Agency

This document is the contractual agreement between an Agent and the Client to sell by Auction Land . Again this is to be signed at engagement and affirms the statutory guidelines stated by the regulations.

These forms are contracts between the two parties and covers the controls in which the Property Services Regulator enforce.

These include:
– Declaration of license
– records
– Duration
– Conflict of interests
– Professional Indemnity Insurance
– Duration
– Termination
-Bank Account
– Client Moneys

At 4pm we have studied these  requirements and worked with the developers of Acquaint CRM to provide a licensed agent with the means to adhere to these regulations and keeps accurate  records of all the above contracts and associated documentation for the 6 year period.

Acquaint CRM is a total Real Estate  package and deals with sales, letting and property management. In addition to alleviating all the operational burdens associated with the letting and sales processes, the software  is integrated with all the above forms and allows them to be stored within the software at the onset  of these commercial relationships.

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