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Want to create a digital

marketing strategy and

get more leads?

We have the tools,
knowledge & expertise to make your agency a success.

With a mixture of IT Professionals & qualified Estate Agents on
our team we understand what the modern agent needs to make
a success of their business. We don’t just “build a website”
we address the underlying business requirement.

Jonathan Walford

Sales Director

A quick call to overview our product suite and see if it could benefit your business by generating more Vendor & Landlord Leads.

Our Marketing Toolset to Supercharge Your Website

The 4Leads package supercharges your agency website to become lead generating tool.

SEO & content solutions combined with remarketing, customer segmentation and customer landing pages create a formula to drive your business forward.

  • Identify which visitors are potential Vendors & Landlords (even without an email address)
  • Setup of accurate Facebook and Google Ads remarketing to Vendors & Landlords that have been on your site recently.
  • SEO friendly Customer pages: Engage potential Vendors & Landlords to make the most of your social media posts and advertising. Our Vendor & Landlord pages quickly and effectively demonstrate an Agents expertise and success to drive enquiries with a strong call to action.
  • Post articles from your site to Google My Business, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. Lots of Agents are great at posting to the social media platforms but the Search Engines rate vibrant sites higher. Our tools keep your site updated and saves you time having to add separate posts to each platform
  • Responsive Homepages: Place the right content in front of returning visitors. For example; if a returning visitor has been previously identified as a potential Vendor but has not sent in an enquiry the homepage they see can prominently feature a call to action to sign up or send an enquiry.
  • FAQ’s: Google loves FAQ’s because people use Google to find answers. Make your site the authority on “all-things-property” in your area. We also link relevant FAQs automatically to your customer pages increasing these pages authority.

Complete online advertisement service to attract Vendors & Landlords.

Looking to generate more business?

4Ads is a complete campaign management & creation service allowing you to concentrate on dealing with Vendor & Landlord enquiries. We run targeted ads on Facebook to engage build footprint awareness & drive qualified Vendor & Landlord leads through to your team. Not only that we notify your team when there are hot leads for them to deal with!

4Ads is a campaign strategy that works across the customer journey ensuring that, at whatever stage Vendors & Landlords are at in deciding on an Agent to work with you, will be considered.

  • Foot Print Awareness: Carefully Geo targeted ads across your market footprint to introduce your agency to potential new customers. Free guides & reports amongst other incentives given for clients to engage
  • Call to Action: Attract those customers that are actively looking to sell or rent their property. We employ chat bots and other tools to ensure agents only deal with quality and verified leads
  • Remarketing: 4Property can setup remarketing audiences on Facebook and the Google Ad Network so that agents can target advertising to people that have recently visited your site. In combination with 4Leads, we can even specifically target Vendors and or Landlords that have visited your site!

4Ads is a full service that includes:

  • Ad Creation
  • Campaign targeting & setup
  • Testing & optimization
  • Qualification of Leads
  • Lead management (see 4Nurture)

We build great looking websites that drive response and generate business.

Why not book a consultation session and let us explore if we could help drive your business forward.

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👀 Get ready for a bold new look. Stay tuned for exciting changes coming soon!